Vocabulary Notes
having a lot of experience of life, and good judgment about socially
important things such as art, fashion
EX:The suave ,sophisticated 60-year-old singer is still performing and
drawing crowds.
an authoritative book, accout etc is respected because the person who
wrote it knows a lot about the subject
EX: An authoritative energy-labelling system will assit them to do that.
if a piece of writing, set of ideas etc is coherent, it is easy to understand
because it is clear and reasonable
EX:He couldn't give a coherent account of what he'd been doing that
to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one→provocation
EX:This call for help provokes a specific urgent reaction and interaction
in the listener.
able to experience things through your senses
EX:They are states that all sentient beings have a good reason to want.
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